A Vision for Ithaca Catholic Worker House

D Adams, Heather Scott

Our hope for the yellow house is that our whole community will share a sense of ownership, inclusion, and belonging. We’ve made a list of some things that could happen at the house, and we hope to do these activities with a prayerful spirit inspired by the idea of “Ora et Labora.”


Book or study groups; community information center (bulletin board); social teaching study; guest speakers; meeting space for other groups; study the teachings of Dorothy Day & Peter Maurin; book exchange center; sharing skills, e.g. canning, bookbinding, etc.); film series; educating ourselves and others; peace work and resistance


A faith-based place of creative non-violence; practicing Jesus’ teachings; Bible study; Advent/Lent faith sharing groups; silent night for peaceful prayer; Taize; singing;  community prayer; finding ways together to do works of mercy; connecting with neighbors; breaking bread or house church (worshipping together); promoting will & spreading cheer; giving thanks


Distribute resources to the needy (blankets/coats); growing/cooking/sharing healthy food; offering child care services; hospitality to travelers; a warm and safe place to be; place for meals; place for children to play; place to be together; place to make music; actively resisting war and oppression

Shared Work Opportunities

Yard & garden care; house maintenance; painting; fundraising; community meal prep; publicity; organizing activities; newsletter/Magnificat writing; help getting wood/food/other resources


  1. Seem like a great vision, with much that is close to my heart. I just got back from a job interview in Ithaca, and hope I will get the option to move there. It feels like a place where I will find opportunity to feed my soul. I hope I get to learn more about how your vision is growing and forming.

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